• Photo 4 of 5

American beech forest, Fagus grandifolia, habitat for Nodding Pagonia, Three-Birds Orchis (Triphora trianthophora) variety: trianthophora, , Oxford, Maine, North America, USA, New England, tree, trees, forest, understory, beech, American Beech

American beech forest, Fagus grandifolia, habitat for Nodding Pagonia, Three-Birds Orchis (Triphora trianthophora) variety: trianthophora, , Oxford, Maine, North America, USA, New England.
Keywords: American beech forest, Fagus grandifolia, habitat, Maine, nature, New England, Nodding Pagonia, North America, outdoors, plants, Three-Birds Orchis, Triphora trianthophora, United States of America, USA, variety: trianthophora, wild orchids, wildflower, flower, Oxford County, orchis, orchid, tree, trees, forest, understory, beech, American Beech, orchid habitat

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