From an early age my father had me tagging along on his hunting and fishing trips. Many were local in southern Maine, but I especially looked forward to our annual  Memorial Day weekend trip to the wilderness of northwest Maine now referred to as the Maine North Woods. With our light weight 12 foot aluminum boat and five horse outboard motor we putted down the West Branch of the Penobscot River into the remote Lobster Lake. I remember the shallow water as we neared the entrance of the lake, and the white sandy beaches at one end.

Back in those days moose had not been hunted for decades in Maine. On one of our trips, fishing on the shore of Nesowadnehunk Lake, a moose stood next to me among lily pads dipping its head into the water pulling up masses of vegetation to eat. Back then sharing your wilderness experience with moose was common.

When fishing along the shore of streams in northern Maine I spent more time hiking to the next turn in the river with an unquenchable urge to see what was around the next bend. Inspired by nature, the desire to see led me to local mountain tops and far off deserts, glaciers, savannas: The infinite variety our earth provides. I hiked sixty seven 4,000 foot summits in New England to experience the view above timberline.

Since I was a kid the mystique of Alaska attracted me. I drove across Canada from Maine, and Alaska did not disappoint. Snow-capped mountains, huge moose, whales, and friendly people kept me busy hiking and taking pictures for several years, and many return trips.

Being there is inspiring, and equally inspiring is the variety of species that inhabit these diverse places. Time stands still when I witness life and death wildlife behavior play out. In Africa witnessing the daily lives of a variety of species happens every day. Nearly every safari drive witnesses amazing wildlife interactions. My trips to Kenya have all been awe inspiring.

An explorer is a visual person born to see, and for me seeing is also about capturing compositions of my experiences that can be viewed later to refresh memories, and be shared with others. For seasoned travelers the pictures may bring back memories. For those getting started on their journey I hope the pictures inspire you to see the world!



In many ways our world is a very large place, but at the same time in other ways it is small and becoming smaller.

It’s large in its variety of species and diversity of habitat from deserts to glaciers, rainforests to savannas, and butterflies to whales. There is more to experience than one lifetime could ever accomplish. But the world is small. Within one day’s time we can travel to most anyplace on the planet sharing time and place with local people, wildlife, and habitat.

We can sit quietly in awe with other magnificent species observing sights, sounds, and behavior as they go about their daily activities, and by utilizing the power of the world wide web we can share our experience with others around the world in an instant! The possibilities are endless allowing us to explore more of the planet and share those experiences with more people than ever before. I enjoyed being there. I hope you enjoy being here.

– Terry Chick


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