Red Robin Tells Shrink Wrap Story
From my perch on a pine tree branch I’m looking for material to build my first nest. On the ground a snarl of plastic shrink

wrap appears to be the perfect building material. I could build my nest entirely with that mass of plastic. Now if I can only move that plastic pile four flights up into my pine tree. It’s light enough and soft enough, but it swirls around me with the wind, and clings to my every feather. I can’t get off the ground with it wrapped around my wings. I can’t gain control of it. It has control of me.

The plastic nest wasn’t such a good idea after all. I should have stuck with materials from earth like grass and twigs. I’ll flap my way out of this entanglement, but the harder I flutter the more I become shrink wrapped.
© Terry Chick 1/14/2020